Our Programs

The 10-member board is comprised of six members that are appointees of regional agricultural associations or the Peace River Regional District (PRRD), one member who is a Peace River Valley agricultural producer and three members-at-large.

The three members-at-large are all agricultural producers in the B.C. Peace Region and were appointed for different length terms, to ensure that one member-at-large position is open each year.

Events and Educational Initiatives

The Events and Educational Initiatives program supports educational events that promote agriculture within the Peace region.

Farming Infrastructure

The Farming Infrastructure program supports capital investments that support agriculture industry infrastructure.

Research and Demonstration Initiatives

The Research and Demonstration Initiatives program supports research studies and demonstrations that test new products, methods and practice viability.

Applications that have previously been declined by the Board will not be considered unless significantly different from the previous application or invited by the Board.

Have a Question?

If you have any questions please contact the fund administrator.

Northern Development

Email: agfund@northerndevelopment.bc.ca
Phone: 250-561-2525